Citation - New England Courant: 1723.03.04

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Index Entry But still the more you strive t' appear [fl] 
Location Boston 
25 Feb-4 Mar 1723:11,12 (83)
. . . Letter from Hypercriticus . . .
But still the more you strive t' appear,
Are found to be the wretcheder;
For fools are know by looking wise,
At men and woodcocks by their eyes.
. . . [8 lines, signed]  Hud.
   To old Janus the Couranteer
Learning, says one, like dancing, of its self, only makes
the Coxcomb.  But with more justice may it be said, that
bare pretension to learning makes a finish'd & compleat
[Editorial re. learning and scholarship containing the
following poem:]
  Q. I'm Kin to Old Par,
  And have learn'd as far
  As most of the lads in the nation.
  My father's a poor-man,
  Next door to a carman,
  A porter by occupation.
  . . . [18 more lines, signed]  Hypercriticus.

Generic Title New England Courant 
Date 1723.03.04 
Publisher Franklin, Benjamin 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0022254
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